Friday, November 13, 2009

Human Flu

Lets think about this world for a change. All day we do all possible things to keep ouselves happy. Lets just sit back , relax and think about this world. What are we doing to it.

Lets take example of flu. What it does? The virus enters our body and spreads. . What it can do? Breed inside us to the extent of killing us and eventually itself(virus).
But we take lot of medication to fight it and we are successful most of the times.

Today we are the Earth's virus. Doing so many things against nature and killing it. As a result it turns wild and so many wild things happen like earth quakes, gobal warming etc., which is a threat to human life.

We not only disturb nature but also other lives( other species) in this world who do not deserve to suffer for our mistake.

So remember as we kill the virus in us to protect ourselves the earth does things to keep itself alive. So if we embrace nature and learn to live with it we can see nature smiling at us. Let 'Us' start the medication, for we cant stand it if nature continues its medication.